When you have been charged with a criminal offense, you can represent yourself. The consequences of doing so, though, can be serious.
Whether you have been charged with driving while intoxicated, assault, or another crime, you likely have many questions. One of these may be whether you can handle your case on your own without a criminal defense attorney. While the law does allow you to represent yourself if you choose, this course of action is never recommended. Working with an Austin criminal defense lawyer has many benefits that will help you obtain the most favorable outcome.
Legal Knowledge
Most people do not understand the legal system or just how complex it is. A lawyer will guide you through it, help you understand the ins and outs of the process, and make sure your legal rights are protected. When you have sound legal representation, you can proceed with confidence, knowing your best interests are always taken into account. Having a full understanding of the judicial process is half the battle, which is why working with an Austin criminal defense lawyer is of paramount importance.
Existing Relationships
Experienced criminal defense lawyers have established close working relationships with the prosecution, judges, and others in the judicial system. While these relationships sometimes strike defendants as odd, they are actually very beneficial. The best outcomes of cases are often a result of negotiating plea bargains or even having charges dropped altogether. Your criminal defense lawyer will likely know the prosecutor in your case, understand how they operate and their preferences, and understand the best path forward to give you the best possible outcome.
Experience with Cases Like Yours
After being charged with a crime, you likely are at a loss for how to move forward. However, your experienced criminal defense lawyer will have been there before, know what to expect, and understand how to build the strongest defense for your case. Although no two criminal cases are identical, the legalities generally remain the same in similar cases. It is important to make sure your lawyer has experience handling cases that are similar to yours.
Understanding Your Constitutional Rights
Many people understand that they have a right to legal counsel and the right to remain silent, but you have many other rights under the Constitution, as well. These include the right to due process, the right to be presumed innocent until proven guilty, and the right to a speedy trial. Your lawyer will ensure your rights are protected at all times so you obtain the most favorable outcome.
Call Our Criminal Defense Lawyer in Austin Today
If you have been charged with a crime, there is no question of whether you need a criminal defense lawyer. It is the only way to ensure you have legal protection. At Granger and Mueller, P.C., our Austin criminal defense lawyer has the necessary experience to resolve your case and obtain the best possible outcome. Call us now at (512) 474-9999 or contact us online to schedule a consultation and to learn more about how we can help.