August 2017 Archives

Penalties and defenses for drug charges in Texas

Facing drug charges in Texas is not a situation that should be taken lightly. Texas has some of the harshest penalties for drug crimes. To be convicted of drug charges, the accused individual must have knowingly and intentionally possessed, or had control over a controlled drug that the accused individual did not have a valid prescription or medical use.

Did The Cop Who Arrested You Do It For The Overtime?

In Austin, as in Houston, police officers have an extra incentive to make DWI arrests: time they spend in court counts as overtime. Therefore, even if a police officer charges you with DWI and you are acquitted, they still make extra money just by showing up. In some cases, officers are making more than their yearly salary in overtime pay alone.

What is white collar crime?

You may have heard the phrase white collar crime and wondered what it refers to and what types of crimes it applies to. White collar crimes are typically financial crimes that involve misleading, concealing or deceit to accomplish. Examples of white collar crimes can include fraud, embezzlement, tax evasion or money laundering. Specifically, white collar financial crimes can include Ponzi schemes, insurance fraud, tax evasion and securities fraud including insider trading.