To protect you against the serious penalties you face for burglary charges, get our experienced Travis County, TX criminal defense lawyers fighting on your side.
Burglary is a serious criminal matter in Texas. Depending on where the crime occurred and the circumstances involved, you could be facing a potentially lengthy jail sentence. To protect your rights and your freedom when facing burglary charges, you need our Travis County criminal defense lawyers fighting on your side. At Granger and Mueller PC, we have been defending clients in our area for more than 25 years. We provide trusted legal guidance and aggressive representation to help you avoid a conviction.
Burglary Crimes Under Texas Law
Burglary encompasses a variety of offenses under the Texas Penal Code . In order to obtain a conviction on these charges, the prosecutor in your case will need to prove the following:
● You entered a building or other habitation not open to the public and committed or attempted to commit a felony, theft, or assault, or;
● You entered a building or other habitation not open to the public with the intent to commit a felony, theft, or assault, or;
● You remained concealed in a building or habitation, with the intent to commit a crime.
As you can see from the above, an actual theft does not need to occur for you to be charged with a burglary crime in Texas. Provided there is enough evidence to show your intent, you could still be facing a criminal conviction.
At Granger and Mueller PC , our Austin burglary crimes lawyers act as strong allies on your side in these situations. We can help in strategizing an effective legal defense to help you avoid penalties that include heavy fines and a potentially lengthy jail sentence.
Penalties for Burglary Crimes in Austin
Depending on the circumstances involved in your case, burglary-related crimes can be classified as misdemeanor or felony offenses. You need our experienced Travis County criminal defense lawyers to help you avoid penalties under the Penal Code for a burglary conviction, which include:
● Criminal trespass: Classified as a misdemeanor crime, this could involve fines of up to $4,000 and a jail sentence of up to one year, depending on where the crime occurred and if there were aggravating factors involved.
● Burglary of a building not classified as a habitation: A state jail felony, penalties include up to two years in jail and fines up to $10,000.
● Burglary of a habitation, which may be a home, car, or another place where people live: Classified as a second degree felony, this involves up to a 20 year prison sentence and fines of up to $10,000.
● Burglary of a habitation where the intent was to commit an assault or other type of non-theft felony crime: A first degree felony, a conviction could result in life imprisonment.
Reach Out to Our Austin Burglary Defense Lawyers
When facing burglary charges that could jeopardize your well-being and personal freedom for years to come, get our team at Granger and Mueller PC fighting on your side. To request a consultation, call or contact our Travis County criminal defense lawyers online today.