When you've been charged with a crime that could threaten your freedom, reputation, and future opportunities, you need a lawyer. Even minor criminal charges can add up to bigger problems in the future if you don't address each charge as it happens. If you're not sure if talking to a lawyer would help, it's better to do it than to try to handle things yourself, make a mistake and end up in a worse situation. At Granger and Mueller PC, initial consultations are free, so you have nothing to lose by seeking the perspective of an experienced and knowledgeable criminal defense lawyer.
Shouldn't I Contact A Bondsman First?
If you're already sitting in jail contemplating your options, it can be tempting to focus first on the goal of getting out of lockup as soon as possible. A bondsman may be able to help you do that, but you have to consider where the money will be going. When you pay a bondsman for bail, you are only paying to get out of jail. You still have to consider what will happen next once you get out. If you decide to pay a lawyer instead, the fee will be used not only to get you out of jail, but also to start work on your case.
When you contact a lawyer from jail instead of a bondsman, you get a jump-start on your defense strategy.
Questions About Your Case? Call Us.
We can't emphasize enough that it costs you nothing to get the astute legal advice you need if you're in trouble with the law. In Travis County, Texas, our criminal defense law firm offers free initial consultations to evaluate your case and help you understand your situation. To schedule a time to speak with one of our attorneys, call our Austin office at 512-474-9999 or email us to learn more.